30 September 2013


Dust in my bed...
Covered by the sand...
Dark in the Grave...
I alone there...

With Fear in the heart..
And tear in the eyes...
I call for to GOD...

I'm the sinned slave...
Oh.. my GOD forgive me....
I've sinned myself...
Whom to tell other than YOU...???

05 December 2010

MUHAMMAD - Mercy to Mankind

Subhan'ALLAAh !
What a Man… was he…….???
If he wouldn’t had born…
Then what would we be….???

He thought us truth…
And to be true ……!
He showed us the right path….
The path to the paradise…!

He was given a mission …
At his forty…..
The mission of Islam…..!
He never passed a man without a smile…..

The greatest of all men…. In the world ever …..
So was he praised by the ALMIGHTY….
He was… the last and the most beloved prophet…..
The leader of all the prophets…
Peace be upon him ….
Muhammad salla laahu alaihi wassallam….!